
A simplified medication knowledge resource
Modern medication management is a complex activity for which clinicians require substantial and detailed knowledge about medicines to ensure that the ‘five rights’ are achieved.
Our Formulary is a modern, cloud-based decision support solution for medication management by medical, nursing and pharmacy clinicians within your service. Accessible via smart devices in addition to desktop PCs, it was the first of its kind in Australia to combine all clinical, regulatory, and jurisdictional medication knowledge resources into one place, providing a single point of reference for clinicians at their fingertip.
Features include:
Key Benefits
- Comprehensive drug structure (medicinal product, form, strength, and brand) based on Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) and updated monthly, with the ability to add custom medications specific to your health service, such as custom formulations and SAS drugs.
- Includes an adult formulary, which covers medicine usage in most settings within the health service, as well as the ability add sub-formularies to describe the use of medicines within an area of specialty practice or geographical location.
- The ability to specify local restrictions and organisation specific clinical resources at the most applicable level, whether it be drug, form, strength or brand, with all guidance relating to local / Drug and Therapeutics Committee rulings.
- Clinical information sourced from either MIMS or AusDI, including dosing, indications for use, precautions, adverse effects, administration advice and other critical information.
- Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) information to guide decisions around prescribing and availability in the community.
- Context driven links to other national, clinical and local knowledge resources that deliver more detailed information.